Thursday, 7 February 2013

Fantasy Villa Team No. 7: Players with their own songs

We may be courting controversy here.

How can we possibly pick a fantasy team based on players with their own songs and not include Spinksy, Birchy and Alan McInally?

How can we pick ANY Villa team with Barry Bannan in it?

Well, it's our team, so we can. Nah, nah-nah-nah, nah! Pick your own if you don't like it.

In goal, we just had to plump for "The Aussie Bozzie". Who doesn't miss singing that?

We've cheated at full back by having two right backs. Including "he's got no hair but we don't care" Chrissy Chrissy Price was a must, while we consider "He's hard, he's game, we can't pronounce his name, Dariusz, Dariusz" to be a little known classic.

God is not even up for debate, while the much loved Cuellar had two songs that would have qualified, though some of the Holte Enders we've seen singing "I'd let you shag my wife" looked as if they'd never even had a girlfriend. Ho-hum.

It's a pity we can only sing "Who needs Barry when we've got Barry Bannan" ironically these days, because it's a cracker, Ashley Young "is fuckin' dynamite" is up there with the very best and for sheer simplicity, "Sid, Sid, Sid, Sid" earns it's place in our line up.

"Deano scores and he wants some more" was a must as was "he's bigger than me and you" but pride of place goes to "Six Foot Two, Eyes of Blue, Sammy Morgan's after you, la la la, la la la, la laaaaaaaa!!!!!!"

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